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Fibromyalgia and Your Health E-Book is on Sale for only $9.95!
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Whether you are aware of it or not, fibromyalgia affects your life. It could be your neighbor, who is suffering in silence, or your spouse who relies on you to do the things he is no longer able to do. It could be your college-daughter who is watching her dreams slip away due to chronic pain and fatigue, or it could be You, praying for the pain to end as you read these words. Whoever's in your life is suffering, it is impacting your life! There is HOPE! You can help!

That is why I wrote Fibromyalgia and Your Health E-book!

Purchase Your Copy today, and Help those in Need!!

Excerpt from book:
Written by Lisa Powers

"Fibromyalgia is a persistent condition for which there is no cure. It is common for symptoms of Fibromyalgia to wax and wane; they may be more severe at certain times of the day, month, or year and they may remit for an extended period of time only to reappear later either for no apparent reason or following a traumatic event such as an automobile accident.

But there are ways of coping with Fibromyalgia symptoms and preventing exacerbation of pain. 

Here are some tips:
  1. Change Your Diet – it is very important to remove chemicals and pesticides from your food. Eat a healthy and Organic diet.  Drink lots of clean filtered water.
  2. Identify Your Trigger Foods – it is also very important to do an elimination diet, and stay away from foods, that cause you more pain and inflammation. 
  3. Prioritize sleep – it is important for people with Fibromyalgia to maintain a regular sleep schedule and to get treatment for sleep disorders if necessary.
  4. Create a quiet environment –chronic pain has been known to intensify in the presence of sound stress.
  5. Exercise – regular exercise is known to improve symptoms in some patients. For people with Fibromyalgia, low-impact activities such as walking, yoga or swimming are the best choice.
  6. Medication or Nutritional Supplements – work with a physician or your health coach to develop an effective medication or holistic regime that is tailored to you personally.
  7. Massage – gentle massage, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques are all generally considered beneficial with respect to chronic pain management.

I have suffered from sleep issues for many years, and still do sometimes.  I have found that a regular routine every night, even on weekends, really helps.  I also have added fitness to my daily activities, which I do in the morning or afternoons, but not at night, as I have found it keeps me awake.  Also listening to positive audio books helps on those nights when I just can’t seem to shut my mind down.  It helps keep me focused on something other then sleep.

Your nutrition also plays a key roll in not getting to sleep or staying asleep.  Don’t drink any high sugar drinks or caffeine after 12 noon or reduce the amount that you are consuming.  Stay on a healthy diet, and make sure you do eat breakfast every day.

Stress can also effect your sleep.  Learn to do yoga, meditate, relax, read a good book, or talk to someone you trust, so you can vent out your frustration and release some of your stress.  Also, don’t forget to ask for Help!

With Purchase of Fibromyalgia and Your Health E-book:

  • You will receive Two Free E-Books!
  • Four (4) Custom Created Forms to help Heal Your Fibromyalgia for Free!
  • Free 60 Minute Health Consultation

Order Your Copy today for only $9.95

Click "Buy Now" Button to Purchase at this Special Price!  

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