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Dear Followers!

This note goes out to everyone, I just want to say I am very grateful to all my family, personal friends, Beachbody teammates and my followers.

I know that this is a difficult time right now for most of us, as jobs are lost, and money runs short, and things change when we don't really want them to, so in this moment of life, in a place I never envisioned I would be in, I have become very humble.

And if you’re like the millions of American traveling today to family or friends, you might be stuck in traffic, delayed at the airport, or cramped on a crowded train. Even if you’re lucky enough to be at home on the busiest travel day of the year, preparing for house guests and standing in line for last-minute ingredients at the grocery store can be trying.

If you find yourself getting stressed out today, pause for a moment. Remember what Thanksgiving is all about: literally, giving thanks. Days like today give us all the opportunity to notice and appreciate what we have.

Shifting your focus from the negative to the positive won’t only put you in a better mood. As it turns out, maintaining an attitude of gratitude can have incredible impact on your health.  Thanksgiving is a reminder that for our health and happiness, gratitude matters every day.

What are you grateful for?

Please remember all those that are in need this year and keep an open heart. Help those when you can, and accept help when you need it!




"Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds."
  ~Theodore Roosevelt

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2CARAS Photography & Web Design

2CARAS Photography & Web Design
Susan Ortuno Inspired Web Designer/Developer and Photographer