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"No Excuses, Get Nourished!" Weekly Challenge Event

Join the "No Excuses, Get Nourished!"  Weekly Challenge Event

Hosted by Lisa Powers - Powers Health and Wellness
Starting May 14th to May 21st, 2012
Change the way you Eat in 3 Easy Steps!

Enter to a Win $25 Gift Card!  (see rules below)
Join On Facebook!
TO ENTER: PLEASE "JOIN" THIS EVENT ON FACEBOOK, THEN 'LIKE' Powers Health and Wellness Page and Follow on Twitter 

I am starting "No Excuses Get Nourished" Challenge Event, to inspire You to eat healthy, change the way you think about food and make positive changes that are sustainable and easy to do.  Let's put an end to obesity one person at a time! And hey you might win $25 bucks!
It's time to get inspired and try new healthy and tasty produce, fruits, and veggies.  It's time to enjoy your food once again.  It's Your Choice! You get to choose which food to remove and which food to add into your daily lifestyle.

Spring time is the best time for local and organic foods!   Add color to your meals and taste the rainbow!  Get out and explore the Farmer's Markets in your area, check out the new organic produce section in your local supermarket, try something new and exotic or get really creative and grow your own food!  Get your whole family involved!  Kids love going to Farmer's Markets, working in the garden and helping in the kitchen.

Share your "No Excuses,  Get Nourished" challenge by posting your comments about food supermarket challenges you face, buying healthy food on a budget, new healthy food choices you have made and your creative and inspiring recipes. 

Get inspired and post photos of the organic foods that you have tried, your supermarket trips, sharing healthy meals with your family and friends.

What do I Do?

The challenge is to replace (1) one non-healthy, processed food from your diet with (1) organic or whole food every day for the next 7 days. 

Small daily changes, make big impacts!

Here is how it works:

Step 1: 
Remove (1)  processed food from your diet each day, it can be any food that is not considered a whole food; example potato chips, and replace it with an organic apple.

Step 2: 
Keep that one food in your diet, for the next week. 
Example; eat an apple a day for your snack (hint, it keeps the doctor away)

Each day, replace one processed or junk food for a whole food or organic food.
Example; day 2, remove soda and replace with unsweetened iced tea or water, etc.  

Keep this up for 7 consective days.  At the end of the Challenge, you will have 
replaced 7 unhealthy or processed foods and added 7 healthy and organic foods into your diet and lifestyle.

Step 3: 
Post everyday which foods You removed from your diet, and which foods you 
replaced it with.  Comment on how it feels to make those small changes. Share your experiences and photos!

TO ENTER: PLEASE "JOIN" THIS EVENT ON FACEBOOK, THEN 'LIKE' Powers Health and Wellness Page and Follow on Twitter 

How to Win $25!  

You must "Like" Powers Health and Wellness page, Follow on Twitter and invite other people to the challenge.  The person who invites the most people to the challenge will be the Winner! 

You must email me your list of invites to powers4health@gmail.com 
subject line - "No Excuses Get Nourished!"  Weekly
Challenge Event by the end of the challenge.  

On May 22, 2012 the winner will be annouced!  The winner will be posted on the event page and be notified by email. I will need your mailing address to mail the gift card out to you.   Please allow 7-10 days for mail delivery.  

This isn't about winning money, but changing your health and your families health one day at a time.  But a little pocket change sure can help!

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