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Primal Blueprint 21 Day Challenge

Happy Thursday Everyone!

"Don't live in the past, thinking about mistakes or changes you made. Think of your life as a book, move forward, close one chapter and open another. Learn from your mistakes, but focus on your future, not on your past."

I am a bit behind on my Primal Blueprint Challenge Posts!  It has been such a busy week.  I will update the past few days from Sunday-Wednesday.  Also my PC mouse broke, and I had to go out and buy a new one, so was unable to update my posts.  Thanks for your continued support!  
Sunday - Day 6 finished!  

Since Saturday was such a full day, I took Sunday to rest up and enjoy my day. I enjoyed a nice walk outside in my neighborhood.  It was nice and overcast here in "Sunny California". 

Day 7 Challenge Plan Steps:

  1. Diet - No Labels Challenge - Conventional wisdom suggests you scrutinize the "Nutrition Facts" labels on all packaged foods.  Watch your fat grams, RDA percentages, sugar/carbohydrate ratios. Today's challenge is to give "Nutrition Facts" the boot!  Avoid any foods that have a label on them! Eat organic or local produce whole foods today!
  2. Exercise - Sprint workout - Scale your effort to your experience with sprinting.  Be sure to warm up and cool down effectively.
  3. Lifestyle - Tiptoe into the Barefoot world - Go barefoot as much as you can today. Let your feet breathe and become re-engaged in the act of walking, jogging and support your standing weight.

Lisa is Primal Bare-footing on the sand at Newport Beach!

Happy Monday!  Day 7 Completed!

I made it through 7 days!!

Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole week already, time sure goes by fast!  

This morning I went for a long walk to the park, then did sprints on the baseball mounds!

No labels challenge was easy for me, as I normally purchase farm fresh whole foods! I rarely eat packaged foods, but if I do, I check the labels carefully and stay away from anything that has 5 ingredients or more, or names I can not pronounce.  It's a good practice to have!

Day 8 Challenge Plan Steps:

  1. Diet - Intuitive Meals - Anything goes Today! Eat whatever foods you feel like eating without regard to cultural traditions.  If you feel compelled to indulge in non-Primal approved foods, go ahead and do so.  Pay close attention to how your comfort foods makes you feel.
  2. Exercise - Grand Play Outing today - rock climb, bicycle, hike or play, etc.  
  3. Lifestyle - Enjoy being outdoors with your friends and family today.

Day 8 Completed!

Tuesday is among us!  

Wow today is a free day!  I enjoyed "without guilt" dining out today.  I tried to keep it all Primal today, but to be honest, I didn't for the whole day.  For breakfast I had 3 egg omelet with bacon, spinach and mushrooms at the local deli by my house.  

Wing Stop Garlic Parmesan
I had lots of errands today up in Costa Mesa, CA so I ate lunch out at a place I have been wanting to try for some time, call Wing Stop.  I ate delicious chicken wings with french fries.
Coconut Mango Sorbet
 w/dark chocolate chips
For dessert (which is a treat for me) I went to Cold Stone's and got their non-dairy Coconut Mango Sorbet with dark chocolate chips. Yum!

However, I did walk over 3 miles while doing my errands, then afterwards I went to enjoy the beach!  I played in the surf, watched the surfers, walked up and down the pier, took tons of photos and then relaxed watch the waves.  It was so much fun!  You can view my pictures on Flicker under Powershealth.
He got the wave!
Sufers at Newport Beach, CA

How did I feel after all that food?  I felt great, but to be honest, since I had been off of sugar all week, eating the sorbet did give me a headache later in the day and my rash came back the next day.  So now I know I have a reaction to sugar and have to stay away from it.

Day 9 Challenge Steps

  1. Diet - Track Macro-nutrient Intake - today track your caloric and macro-nutrient intake through an online calculator.   Write down everything you eat today. Visit www.fitday.com
  2. Exercise - Increase daily movement - Rediscover more ways you can move more today.  Double your efforts and park purposefully far away, use stairs instead of elevators, and take a break every 30 minutes.  Try standing instead of sitting at work. Log in 10,000 steps today!
  3. Lifestyle - Media Fast - Today challenge yourself to refrain from tv or media, and only get 10 minutes a day worth of news or entertainment tidbits. 
Mid-Week Crisis! Wednesday is here!

Day 9 was all mine!  

How is everyone's week going? I have had a very busy week.  Today, I was in Tustin Ranch running errands and when my work was done, I headed over to the park and did my one mile walk and PEM workout.  

Water fountain at the Irvine Marketplace Mall
Afterwards I decided to check out the Irvine Marketplace Mall, and walked the 1 1/2 miles to the mall, all around the mall, and back again.  
Tustin Ranch Park

I kept to the Primal Blueprint meal plan today, but since I was out most of the day, I ate at the Corner Bakery for lunch, but had an avocado salad and fresh fruit. (no bread)

When I came home in the evening I joined my roommate and her dog, and did a fast/jog walk to the park and back home.  Wow, I am exhausted today!
  1. Diet - Eating Environment - Today focus on creating an optimal eating environment for all meals.  No more wolfing food on the go! Take the time to create attractive place settings and calm, quiet environments dedicated to eating only.
  2. Exercise - Primal WOW - Workout of the Week - a popular theme at MarksDailyApple.com where a creative workout honoring the Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy are suggested.  Today combine the PEM exercises with some sprinting and plyometrics to produce the following fun and challenging session. Click here to Follow WOW 
  3. Lifestyle - Email Fast - Engage in email correspondence only during the morning or afternoon time periods of 30 minutes or less.  Disengage from email server and pursue focused, productive tasks without succumbing to distraction.

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