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Primal Blueprint 21 Day Challenge

Hello my fellow bloggers!

"The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be" – Marcel Pagnol.

Day 10 Completed!

This post will be for both Friday and Saturday.  On Thursday evening, right after I ate my Primal evening meal, (roasted chicken and salad) I got very sick.  You don't need all the details, but I got food poisoning!  Earlier that day, I had gone to my favorite health food store and purchased one of the cooked roasted chickens they have on display.  I have eaten it before in the past, never got sick.    This time I did!  I was out of it for two days!  (I did go back to the store and explain what happened and got my money back).  

So in a way I was disengaged from all media and distractions all Friday, as I lay in bed resting.  I did not have the energy for my walk or the PEM workouts. 

Day 11 Challenge Steps

Diet - Creat a Primal Recipe - Concoct your own entree of Primal fare. Write it down for future reference.  Here is a free sample recipe, click here!
Exercise - Moderate Duration Aerobic Workout - 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity.
Lifestyle - Work Peak Performance - start your workday by carefully creating a to-do list with tasks ranked in order of priority.  Resolve to honor your to-do list for the duration of the day. 

I love my job!
Photo taken and created by Lisa Powers
It's Saturday!  A holiday weekend is here!

Day 11 is finished!

I am feeling bit better today, and had the energy to go out for a 1 mile walk to the small lake near my house, take photos, walk to the store, then walk home. 
Small Lake in Orange, California
Photos taken by Lisa Powers
Since I was not feeling good on Friday, I kept me Primal meals very simple, I had chicken soup and water most of the day.

Today however, my tummy was bit better, so I braved a Primal lunch of roasted chicken drumsticks and organic salad.
Primal Blueprint Lunch
 2 roasted chicken drumsticks, salad with organic lettuce, avocados, cucumber, radishes, raspberries, sliced raw almonds and hemp seeds, with raspberry vinaigrette dressings (homemade) and my healthy drink is Coconut Water.
Photo created and taken by Lisa Powers

However, I was only able to eat 1 small chicken drumstick (with my hands) and 1/4 of the salad.  I have been practicing listening to my body, and since it told me I was full, I stopped eating. I ate without the TV on and without distractions.

Day 11 Challenge Steps

Diet - Creat a Primal Recipe - Concoct your own entree of Primal fare. Write it down for future reference.  Here is a free sample recipe, click here!
Exercise - Moderate Duration Aerobic Workout - 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity.
Lifestyle - Work Peak Performance - start your workday by carefully creating a to-do list with tasks ranked in order of priority.  Resolve to honor your to-do list for the duration of the day. 

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